It's Monday. It's March. We're approximately halfway through Lent. Can you believe it? Below are a few thoughts that God put on my heart during my Rosary this weekend. I was very uplifted by the encouragement and thought you might be, too!

I was praying the Rosary in the car, by myself (it was both beautiful and lonely without little voices interrupting regularly), along with my old Mary Foundation CD. Since it was Saturday, I was meditating on the Joyful Mysteries, which was excellent timing, because I really needed some joy that day. For each mystery, I captured a thought on which to meditate that really boosted my spirit (so much so that I wrote them down at stoplights!). Maybe you can try them today!
Annunciation ~ The angel came to Mary like God came to the world to bring the Good News! How often do I recognize His Good News and share it with my children? Jesus really does love each one of us perfectly, no matter what, because He sees the good in us! So, just because I'm not doing so well on a few of my Lenten commitments, I can start anew today.
Visitation ~ We need each other, specifically mothers need other mothers. Do I actively work on my friendships with other mothers? Having an extended conversation with a good friend once a week when I could/should be doing something else is an enormous emotional boost that I need to allow myself. I am a better mother when I connect with others.
Nativity ~ God chose to come as a child, because children are precious. What do I see when I look at my children? They are precious souls entrusted to my care, and they are beautiful images of God, even when they fuss about doing math. My energies need to be focused on always doing what is best for them and putting them at the top of my list.
Presentation ~ Offer everything to God, the days, the decisions, the people, the itty bitty details; He will take the best care of me. Where do I need to let go and honor God's faithfulness by really believing He knows best? This requires having confidence in the decisions we make, and also trusting Him to mend the mistakes when they happen.
Finding ~ God is right here next to me, all the time. When do I remember that? When my heart starts to race with anxiety or anger, I need to breathe in God. I must remember that He is near. I must believe in His presence in my soul. I cannot continue to frantically search for Him, but I must know He is here.
May this week fill each of you with joy in God's awesome generosity!