Perceived Deficits at bearing blog
"The essence of homeschooling is not academic excellence...preparation for a job..."special" education...that it can set its own schedule...its freedom... The essence of homeschooling is simply that it happens within the family."
Yes! That's why I do this!
"Crafting this Divine Mercy Novena counter is a great way to get children involved in the novena process...I'm thinking ahead to use this same counter for different novenas."
I am not a big craft mama, but this is useful!
An Active Love by Elizabeth at Mom Heart
"I'm loving them at the dinner table, I thought to myself...I'm loving these little girls as I bubble up their hair...I'm loving I snuggle them to sleep."
Pure genius!
How I Memorized My Favorite Prayer in Sixty Seconds by Jen at National Catholic Register
"I'd been trying to memorize the prayer for a few days, but I wasn't having much luck. Then I remembered Dr. Kevin Vost's book Memorize the Faith! (and Most Anything Else)
I have read this book; it is awesome!
What a Good Wife Does... by Patrick at National Catholic Register
"The good wife doesn't contradict you in front of your friends, unless you're wrong...Usually, if she can help it...The good wife does a million things you don't notice and she is totally ok with that."
Funny, real, and true.