
Friday, January 22, 2010

Midyear Reflection - Day 7

Several of us are taking a brief journey here in January to prayerfully reflect on our homeschooling thus far this academic year in hopes of tweaking and improving the rest of the school year. Each weekday I am posting a few questions from this survey for us each to take to prayer and into our hearts throughout that day. By the end of January, we should all have successfully evaluated the State of Our Homeschools and begin implementing whatever changes we are inspired to make.

I encourage you to make comments below about the answers you feel comfortable sharing with others, so we can lift each other up as the Body of Christ and be vessels of inspiration via the Holy Spirit.

Today's first question from the section on Successes echoes number 5 from day 4 on Struggles. This section of questions focuses on the positive and can still be challenging to answer but is well worth it!

9. What is the single biggest success I am enjoying with each child this school year? (try to put something for each child)

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